.. _moocore_docs_mainpage: ######################################################### moocore: Core Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization ######################################################### .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: API reference Examples whatsnew/index **Version**: |version| (See :ref:`whatsnew`) **Date** |today| **Useful links**: `Source Repository `_ | `Issue Tracker `_ This webpage documents the ``moocore`` Python package. There is also a ``moocore`` `R package `_. The goal of the **moocore** project (https://github.com/multi-objective/moocore/) is to collect fast implementations of core mathematical functions and algorithms for multi-objective optimization and make them available to different programming languages via similar interfaces. These functions include: * Identifying and filtering dominated vectors. * Quality metrics such as (weighted) hypervolume, epsilon, IGD, etc. * Computation of the Empirical Attainment Function. The empirical attainment function (EAF) describes the probabilistic distribution of the outcomes obtained by a stochastic algorithm in the objective space. Most critical functionality is implemented in C, with the R and Python packages providing convenient interfaces to the C code. **Keywords**: empirical attainment function, summary attainment surfaces, EAF differences, multi-objective optimization, bi-objective optimization, performance measures, performance assessment .. grid:: 2 :gutter: 4 :padding: 2 2 0 0 :class-container: sd-text-center .. grid-item-card:: API Reference :img-top: _static/index_user_guide.svg :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md :link: reference :link-type: ref The reference guide contains a detailed description of the functions, modules, and objects. .. grid-item-card:: Examples :img-top: _static/index_getting_started.svg :class-card: intro-card :shadow: md :link: auto_examples :link-type: ref Detailed examples and tutorials. .. This is not really the index page, that is found in _templates/indexcontent.html The toctree content here will be added to the top of the template header