
moocore.is_nondominated(data, maximise=False, keep_weakly=False)[source]#

Identify dominated points according to Pareto optimality.

For two dimensions, the algorithm has complexity \(O(n \log n)\).

  • data (ArrayLike) – Array of numerical values, where each row gives the coordinates of a point in objective space. If the array is created by the read_datasets() function, remove the last column.

  • maximise (bool | list[bool], default: False) – Whether the objectives must be maximised instead of minimised. Either a single boolean value that applies to all objectives or a list of boolean values, with one value per objective. Also accepts a 1D numpy array with value 0/1 for each objective.

  • keep_weakly (bool, default: False) – If False, return False for any duplicates of nondominated points.


ndarray – Returns a boolean array of the same length as the number of rows of data, where True means that the point is not dominated by any other point.

See also


to filter out dominated points.


to rank points according to Pareto dominance.


>>> S = np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0]])
>>> moocore.is_nondominated(S)
array([False,  True,  True, False])
>>> moocore.filter_dominated(S)
array([[0, 1],
       [1, 0]])
>>> moocore.is_nondominated(S, keep_weakly=True)
array([False,  True,  True,  True])
>>> moocore.filter_dominated(S, keep_weakly=True)
array([[0, 1],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 0]])