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Creates the same plot as eafdiffplot() but waits for the user to click in one of the sides. Then it returns the rectangles the give the differences in favour of the chosen side. These rectangles may be used for interactive decision-making as shown in Diaz and López-Ibáñez (2021) . The function moocore::choose_eafdiff() may be used in a non-interactive context.


  intervals = 5,
  maximise = c(FALSE, FALSE),
  title_left = deparse(substitute(data_left)),
  title_right = deparse(substitute(data_right)),


data_left, data_right

Data frames corresponding to the input data of left and right sides, respectively. Each data frame has at least three columns, the third one being the set of each point. See also read_datasets().


The absolute range of the differences \([0, 1]\) is partitioned into the number of intervals provided. If an integer is provided, then labels for each interval are computed automatically. If a character vector is provided, its length is taken as the number of intervals.


(logical() | logical(1))
Whether the objectives must be maximised instead of minimised. Either a single logical value that applies to all objectives or a vector of logical values, with one value per objective.

title_left, title_right

Title for left and right panels, respectively.


Other graphical parameters are passed down to eafdiffplot().


matrix where the first 4 columns give the coordinates of two corners of each rectangle and the last column. In both cases, the last column gives the positive differences in favor of the chosen side.


Juan Esteban Diaz, Manuel López-Ibáñez (2021). “Incorporating Decision-Maker's Preferences into the Automatic Configuration of Bi-Objective Optimisation Algorithms.” European Journal of Operational Research, 289(3), 1209–1222. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2020.07.059 .


# \donttest{
extdata_dir <- system.file(package="moocore", "extdata")
A1 <- read_datasets(file.path(extdata_dir, "wrots_l100w10_dat"))
A2 <- read_datasets(file.path(extdata_dir, "wrots_l10w100_dat"))
if (interactive()) {
  rectangles <- choose_eafdiffplot(A1, A2, intervals = 5)
} else { # Choose A1
  rectangles <- eafdiff(A1, A2, intervals = 5, rectangles = TRUE)
  rectangles <- choose_eafdiff(rectangles, left = TRUE)
reference <- c(max(A1[, 1], A2[, 1]), max(A1[, 2], A2[, 2]))
x <-[,1:2], A1[,3])
hv_A1 <- sapply([, 1:2], A1[, 3]),
                 hypervolume, reference=reference)
hv_A2 <- sapply([, 1:2], A2[, 3]),
                 hypervolume, reference=reference)
boxplot(list(A1=hv_A1, A2=hv_A2), main = "Hypervolume")

whv_A1 <- sapply([, 1:2], A1[, 3]),
                 whv_rect, rectangles=rectangles, reference=reference)
whv_A2 <- sapply([, 1:2], A2[, 3]),
                 whv_rect, rectangles=rectangles, reference=reference)
boxplot(list(A1=whv_A1, A2=whv_A2), main = "Weighted hypervolume")

# }